5 Reasons Why Solid Wood Dining Furniture Is A Great Buy For Your Home

Solid wood dining furniture has a unique look and feel that cannot be compared to any other piece in your home. There are various reasons to have solid wood pieces in your home, one of them being that they look great. You might find that most homes with solid wood pieces are those that have been passed down from generation to generation. Solid wood furniture is very strong but not strong enough to suffer from wear and tear. Incidents like scratches, fading of the finish, water spillage, and cracking of the surface can easily dull the shine in your much-loved piece of dining furniture. If you want it to last you year after year, you will have to take great care of your dining furniture.

Wood has undergone replacement by synthetic materials such as Formica and plastic due to the increased demand for cheap dining furniture but the demand for solid wooden pieces has not cooled entirely as well. Solid wood furniture is gaining popularity because of the following reasons:

-          Furniture and furniture work in an almost similar way. Just as a simple black suit or dress can last for years, the same thing goes for wooden furniture. fabric or leather furniture only work for specific settings but wooden furniture can work for any setting regardless of the theme.

-          Most building materials have formaldehyde, which is considered carcinogenic by various health organizations but wood does not. Given that wood can last for long periods of time, you do not have to throw out your damaged or old pieces so they end up in a crowded landfill. You can have the wood recycled into something else.

-          Most furniture pieces are designed to look a specific way and mass contribution ensures that every piece look similar to the last. Wooden furniture, on the other hand, can look brand new whenever it undergoes stripping and refinishing and you can resell them for a much higher value. Most wood pieces are also hand crafted and considering that every tree is different from the next in terms of the markings and tones, no two furniture pieces will look alike.

-          A piece of well-made furniture can stick around for generations to come and seeing as wood is stronger when compared to other building materials, it can keep looking good as new as it transitions from one household to the next.

-          Solid wood furniture products are finished with air-pollutant free varnish which is premium grade and very eco-friendly to use and apply. Such wood varnish is resistant to spills and scratches and very tough but it can take up to a month to cure completely. 

28th May 2017
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