Top 6 tips for bringing autumn into your home

The uncharacteristically warm months of spring and summer are behind us, and it is now time to wrap up warm and brace yourself for the calm chill of autumn and winter. Autumn can offer a fantastic opportunity to update your home, and making a few small touches can help to breathe life into your house and create a wholly unique atmosphere for the new seasons.


1. Create an autumn table decoration

Autumn is ripe with natural products which are perfect for interesting seasonal decorations. Take a walk outside and help yourself to a few leaves or conkers. Place these in a bowl with a candle or potpourri, and you will have a great autumnal table decoration.


2. Decorate your home with pumpkins

When most people think of autumn they think of Halloween. Even if Halloween isn’t your thing, bringing pumpkins into your home is a great way of bringing nature into your house, along with a splash of vibrant orange that is sure to brighten up your day.


3. Buy some seasonal candles

Smell is a fundamental part in creating atmosphere. Invest in a few choice candles with scents that remind you of autumn and you will soon find your mind drifting off to past memories of falling leaves, pumpkins and spiced coffee.


4. Bring out the blankets

In England this point is brought out more from necessity than choice. As soon as October rolls around it is time to bring out the snug blankets, and make sure that whether you are sitting on the sofa or curled up in bed, a little bit of emergency heat protection is never more than an arm’s length away.

5. Bring in autumn colours

Autumn is commonly associated with a very different palate from the months before. Darker colours and wood aesthetics, mixed with vibrant splashes of reds and oranges, are the colours of the season - and bringing them out in your interior decoration can have a fantastic effect. This can be done by painting signature walls or using different curtains and rugs in your home, or simply by replacing bed sheets and pillows for a similar effect on a smaller scale.

  6. Change your lighting  

Darker mornings and earlier evenings are both on their way, but this can offer its own opportunity for updating your home. Brighter, warm coloured bulbs or more creative lighting such as fairy lights will not only look great, but will make your home seem much more snug when it comes time to snuggle up with a soft blanket and a hot chocolate.


What do you update your home for autumn? Let us know by messaging us on our Twitter or Facebook.

28th October 2016
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